How do I choose my size?

Before you get started, first choose your size. To figure this out, you’ll need to take certain body measurements.

bust (B)

Measure horizontally around
the widest point of the bust. Wrap the tape measure around your back and under the armpits until the ends of the tape measure meet in the front.
Read the number that indicates the circumference at that point.

waist (W)

Measure horizontally around the waist. This is between the bottom rib and the top of the hip bone, about 1 cm above your belly button. Hold the end of the tape measure on your navel and wrap it around your waist. Read the number that indicates the waist circumference at the point where both ends meet.

hip (H)

Measure horizontally at the widest part of your hips. Slide the measuring tape up and down to make sure you measure at the widest part.
Ensure the tape measure is nice
and parallel to the floor.

maten png

Afhankelijk van het project zal telkens een andere lichaamsmaat doorslaggevend
zijn bij de maatkeuze.

Voor een jurk, top of bovenstuk is de borstomtrek de bepalende maat.

Voor een rok of broek is dat meestal de heupomtrek, maar bij bepaalde ontwerpen (cirkelrokken, …) kan dat ook de tailleomtrek zijn.

Per ontwerp vertellen we telkens welke maat doorslaggevend is om je Fibre Mood maat te bepalen. Je kijkt dan in de matentabel bij welke borst-, taille- of heupomtrek jouw lichaamsmaat aanleunt. Dat zal dan jouw maat worden voor dat ontwerp.

The “pattern measurements” table show you the finished measurements of the design. For comfort and to achieve a certain cut, extra space (ease) is provided on top of the pure body measurements. Depending on the model: tight, loose or oversized, this can be a little to a lot of extra space.

You can use these measurements as a reference to make changes to the width and length, according to your personal preference. You may also wish to size up or size down depending on the kind of cut you want to achieve.

In this section we always indicate which cut we have in mind for this design.

Changing the width is simple: when tracing the pattern, draw the linetype of the size (or 2 sizes) smaller or larger at the measurement point instead of the size you selected. Make sure you have a smooth transition in the lines.

You can lengthen or shorten the garment by cutting the pattern pieces where indicated on the mini drawing. Then either increase the distance between the cut pieces by the desired amount (to lengthen) or overlap the pieces (to shorten). Make sure that the Centre Front (CF) and Centre Back (CB) lines and the side seams are always straight.
